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Weighted blankets

Standard? Cooling? Therapeutic? If you are feeling a headspin, check our guides for weighted blankets!


Cooling Blanket

5 articles
Weighted Blanket

6 articles
Therapeutic weighted blanket

7 articles


Kudd.ly Guide to Weighted Blankets

Thinking about which weighted blanket is right for you? That's a tougher!. As always, if you are not 100% sure, we are happy to choose the right one for you, with you! And if something is not quite right in the end, we'll be happy to exchange it for

Are Kudd.ly Weighted Blankets OEKO-TEX certified?

Yes, all our weighted blankets (original, cooling, and therapeutic) are OEKO-TEX-100 certified!. You can be confident that the Kudd.ly blankets are safe for your skin and will not expose you to any harmful substances. This is especially important for